The Hair Studio is a small group of impassioned artists. Our desire is to create long lasting color for our guests. We believe continuing our education is essential. Our passion is all things Hair . Xoxo
Love is in the Hair

Thank you for being here!
Tuesday - Saturday : 10 am - 6pm Closed : Sunday - Monday

200$ +
Why balayage ?? Balayage is the best choice for someone who doesn’t have time for high maintenance hair ! This look can last 9-12 months ! Average cost for balayage is around 200- 250 $( depending on length & density ) but that is way cheaper than paying 100+ for a highlight retouch every 6-12 weeks ? Don’t get me wrong we LOVE foil highlights !! But if you don’t have the time or money to keep it up this is the way to go !! It’s a little more costly but last triple the time and saves money long term !!
Add toner +40$ Add root shadow +55$ long/ thick hair +10-20$

Full or partial foil highlights are for those that want to see the tiny little highlight ribbons At the scalp . If you want brightness from top to bottom foil highlights are for you !
Add root color between highlights +50$ Add full head color between highlights +75$ Add toner +40$

A full head of color is just that , 1 solid color from scalp to ends ! Great for covering grays, refreshing dingy faded color . Or when your just ready for a change of color in your life !
If more than 1 bottle of color is needed for extra long or thick hair +10 / bottle of color needed

Shampoo & blowout included in the cost of your Haircut service
Extra long / thick hair +10-20$

Does your hair feel like it needs a drink of water? Our highly trained staff are here to tackle all your needs with a professional Hair Treatments that will leave your hair looking and feeling hydrated , shiny and healthy ! Come in and give us an hour of your time — xoxo

200$ and up
Want to transition from foil highlights to more of a balayage look ? A root shadow is what you’re looking for ! This will blur out those rooty highlight lines giving you a soft & fresh balayage look often without adding any new highlights ! This look is very low maintenance and can last months !
If hair is extra long / thick +10-20$

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"
Vincent van Gogh

104 E Ellison St, Burleson, TX 76028, USA
(682) 224-4711